Days 28, 29, &30!

Holy cow, I can’t believe I made it with no problem to day 30!! Sure, there were a few temptations along the way, but I am happy to say I never caved.

On Sunday, it was such a beautiful day so we enjoyed the weather and later I made Italian style stuffed peppers and cauliflower soup. In the morning, we were rushing out the door but I made sure to make my scrambled eggs with spinach and homemade salsa and ate them in the car.

Yesterday, I wasn’t feeling great and my ear was really bothering me so I stayed home hoping to get a chance to see my Dr. again. I really didn’t feel like eating a lot because the pain went down into my jaw, so I had some scrambled eggs with spinach and salsa for breakfast, cauliflower soup for lunch, a stuffed pepper for dinner, and some fruit in there.

Today I was feeling a little better, saw the Dr. and my ear is looking a lot better. When I first got up this morning, I was anxious to weigh myself because my pants are feeling a lot looser. I didn’t originally start Whole 30 for weight loss reasons, but it is definitely a perk! I lost 12 lbs in 30 days, which is pretty amazing after not being able to lose after having my thyroid removed almost a year ago. I also haven’t felt quite as foggy and my pain has been reduced in my back. If I can handle these 30 days, then anyone can. I honestly believe that in order to do something like Whole 30, you have to really want it and throw all of your excuses out. I decided I am going to keep doing Whole 30 for another week or so (of finish out another 30 days) before I start reintroducing foods. I spend most of my time in my kitchen once my son is sleeping, which isn’t always what I want to do but Whole 30 has helped me to sit down more as a family with a home made healthy meal, try new recipes, and develop a love for cooking. If you’re considering Whole 30 or want to know more about it, please feel free to contact me! I will still be posting occasional blog posts as I go through more time on Whole 30 and begin reintroducing foods.

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